Calf Stretch Board Instructions and Warranty Terms

Usage Instructions

  1. Set up the calf stretch board on a flat even surface.
  2. Ensure you warm up thoroughly before proceeding to use.
  3. Adjust the board to the lowest incline setting as a start.
  4. Place both feet on the board with toes pointing forward.
  5. Stand up straight with knees extended, maintaining an upright posture.
  6. For increased safety and comfort, position the board next to a wall and rest your back against the wall while standing on the board.
  7. Hold the stretch for 2-5 minutes (or as instructed by your Podiatrist); discontinue immediately if you feel sharp pain or excessive strain.
  8. Repeat mornings and evenings daily.
  9. Once you can comfortably stretch for 2-5 minutes without strain, you may increase to the next incline setting.

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