Fungal Nail

Fungal Nail infections typically occur due to environmental factors but can also be influenced by biomechanical or genetic factors. It can be unpleasant to look at or even live with as it can sometimes develops a noticeably unpleasant smell.

Fungal infections can affect the nails and skin of an individual as well as grow to envelop more parts of the party.






Optimal treatment involves exposing the nail bed, creating a new canvas. Removing the infected nail allows the new nail to grow in a better environment as the new nail can attach to a clear and clean nail bed.

Cream and topical lotions should show results within weeks of use, as they are for superficial infections. However, the infection frequently has roots in the nail bed, making it likely that the infection to return over time.

What happens if I don’t treat it?

Bacterial and Fungal Skin and Nail Infection

Bacterial and Fungal infections can spread to surrounding skin

Fungal Affects Nail Bed

Fungal infection preventing the nail from growing back to due to infection of the nail bed

Ingrown Toenails caused by Nail curve

Fungal infection can weaken the nail, causing it to deform, grow into the skin and lead to ingrown toenails

Fungal skin infection of the foot

Fungal skin infections do not only affect the toes