Corporate Health Talks

Our Podiatrists are often invited to speak at company health seminars. During these sessions, our podiatrists delve into various aspects related to lower limb care, such as debunking common misconceptions, providing essential facts about foot care, common foot conditions, and presenting a comprehensive range of interventions available for addressing these ailments.

It is our philosophy to provide the highest quality of care and a wide array of options for our patients. However, as clinicians, we also believe that it is our responsibility to educate the public and help others achieve and maintain optimal foot health.

The increasingly sedentary lifestyles common to those living in Singapore have led to a host of other health issues, and lower limb health is regularly overlooked when it comes to our bodily well-being. Frequently caused by ignorance or neglect, such conditions and injuries can often be easily avoided with some education and self-care.

Through these speaking efforts, we work to educate and inform, granting the public the ability to make informed decisions about their self-care.

As we are able to customise our programmes for your needs, they can be conducted to supplement your company’s annual health check-up event or as part of a staff health & wellness programme for your staff and/or their family members over lunch.

Commonly Requested Topics

  1. Common Foot Problems experienced by Working Professionals
  2. Managing Sports Injuries without Surgery
  3. The Difference between Podiatrist Prescribed Insoles and Non-Podiatrist Prescribed Custom Insoles
  4. Flat Foot & Walking Issues Amongst Children

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is podiatry covered by my insurance?
  2. How can you address conditions such as Flat Foot, Heel Pain, Bunions and Knee Pain?

Sample Outline of an hour-long talk

  • 20-minute Presentation
  • 20-minute Live Assessment with audience volunteers
  • 20-minute Q & A session

Please contact us if you would like to arrange for one of our podiatrists to speak at your company event.