Myofascia Ball

Usage Instructions

  1. Place the affected foot on the myofascial ball so that the ball is positioned underneath the arch of your foot.
  2. Gently apply pressure to the ball by leaning your body weight onto your foot. You should feel a deep pressure or discomfort, but not pain.
  3. Slowly roll the ball back and forth, applying pressure to different areas of your foot. Focus on the arch and heel area where the plantar fascia attaches to the heel bone.
  4. Spend about 1-2 minutes massaging the affected area. You can adjust the pressure by shifting your body weight or by placing more or less pressure on the ball.
  5. Repeat the process on the other foot if needed.
  6. Perform this technique for several times a day, especially before and after any physical activity. Remember to be gentle and avoid using too much pressure, as this can worsen the condition.

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